Timothy is already a month old. This boy is a darn near perfect baby. He is content, sweet, and smiles for his mom. He eats well (and fast) and put himself on a schedule that works perfectly for me. He eats every four hours. He goes to bed at 10 pm and wakes up about 3 am and then sleeps until 7am. He loves to sleep in his crib swaddled up tight. Its a rare occasion that I can get him to fall asleep in my arms anymore.
He is the perfect third baby. We get to play and love on him when he is awake then he sleeps soundly in his room giving me time with the girls and get my chores done. He loves pacifiers and chomps on them nosily when he is tired (that's he que to put me to bed!). When he is really tired he makes screechy noises as he falls asleep. He's a big boy, I would guess he is over 12 pounds but we haven't weighed him recently.
Audrey loves him to pieces and jumps on every chance to hold him, touch his face and hands, put her face really close to his, and talk to him in high pitched voices. He tolerates her but I know if I want him to stay awake Audrey is a sure way to make that happen. Kirsten loves him and asks to hold him a couple times a day but never holds him for longer than a minute. I love having a momma's boy who prefers me above everyone. The other morning I slept in a little longer than everyone else. As I walked down the hall into the loft I could see Timothy and Audrey on the floor. As soon as Timothy saw me he broke out into a huge grin. It was the cutest thing I have ever witnessed. I am totally wrapped around his finger. I love this little man.