It's true, our house is full of people who wear underwear. No more "did she poop" or "where are the wipes" or "go get a diaper please" or "did you put diapers in the bag?" And most importantly we just got $40 richer a month! Six months ago I did a crazy thing and decided to potty train both girls, by myself while Kirk was out of town. They both caught on really well and Kirsten was fully trained when we made her wear panties 24/7. Sure she had a couple accidents but she caught on quick and has had only two accidents since. I was not brave enough to pull them same thing on Audrey, so she kept wearing diapers at night. In the following 5 months we made five trips to Utah so I would potty train then put her back in diapers because I didn't want to deal with it while traveling. This confused the poor girls so even though she was ready she wasn't quite fully trained yet.
Well Thursday Kirk and I decided it was time. We got rid of the few diapers in the house and made her wear underwear. She didn't go down without a fight having 4 accidents in one hour (how is that even possible right? Leave it to Audrey she finds a way). The frustration was boiling over our rooftop, but we persevered. She caught on that underwear doesn't do much when you pee your pants and mom isn't very happy when you pee in the cart at Walmart (YES we apparently are those people!). And I am happy to report that in the past 60ish hours we have only had one accident including bedtime and naps! We were ecstatic when she woke up dry yesterday and took her out for ice cream. Hurray for the Howcrofts (we can finally all pee in the toilet!)
time for another baby ;)