Over Christmas break Kirk shot a buffalo. Yes, he really did. His dad and uncle decided to take his 17 year old cousin buffalo hunting so he could become a "man." So as Kirk, his dad, uncle, cousin, brother, and nephew were driving to Colorado for the buffalo hunt Kirk causally mentioned to his Dad that he had never shot anything bigger than a rabbit (Kirk's family is obviously into hunting and all of his other brothers had been at least elk hunting with their Dad). So when they arrived to the buffalo ranch his Dad bought two buffalo's. One for Frank and one for Kirk. The buffalo's were released into 500 acres of hunting ground. The men jumped into the razor to scatter the buffalo. They then hunted those same buffalo down and Kirk dropped his buffalo on the first shot with a 243 (because I know your husbands will ask). Which I suppose is pretty impressive because that is a coyote gun? Kirk is actually a really great shot, so keep that in mind fyi. :) Kirk had a great day and thought the whole thing was pretty darn great.
I however did not. I did not realize Kirk was going to shoot a buffalo that day when I kissed him goodbye. One of the things I like about Kirk is that he doesn't kill animals. And so when he texted me a picture of a dead buffalo with his rooster feathers puffed out I was shocked...and in disbelief. I was with my family and did not react well. And then when I found out he gutted the buffalo himself I about fell over. And when he came home covered in dried buffalo blood, I may have started to cry. I also may have asked him how he think the poor buffalo felt about the whole thing. It was just minding it's own business eating it's sage brush and hay and now it's dead because Kirk thought killing it would be fun. It's a good thing my sister Chelsey was there for that conversation because she busted up laughing and saved Kirk.
Either way there is a ton of buffalo meat in our freezer. If you would like some I am willing to share :)
Also I didn't realize until just barely but Kirk has lots of pictures of the buffalo hunt...including gutting the buffalo. I couldn't stomache the pictures long enough to upload them but if you would like to see them e-mail Kirk I'm sure he would love to share.
Dynelle I cannot believe that you would eat a cow. The poor cow has to die just so you will eat it! Ha ha just kidding I just think it's so funny that you are still mad about it :) Poor Kirk... I love you sister!