Monday, August 29, 2011

The facts about our Audrey

Audrey Camilla Howcroft
Age 2
  • sings "happy to you" for birthdays
  • constantly walks backwards
  • is potty trained when she wants to be
  • loves a sippy cup of milk to fall asleep with
  • is a pro at defending herself against aggressors (her sister)
  • insists on climbing into the car seat, onto the stool, onto the toilet, up slides (aka doesn't ever need help, with anything (just ask her))).
  • if she is asked where something is and it is not immediately in her line of sight she replies "gone"
  • loves singing itsy bitsy spider, Jesus wants me for a sunbeam, and doesn't a miss a chance to clap at If you're happy and you know it
  • insists on trying any food she see's and will eat most everything (but really loves candy and pop)
  • loves to dance and takes every chance to play ring around the rosies that she can get
  • is super good to help clean up toys. If she is asked to pick up it will be done. If she see's toys being cleaned up she joins in without being asked
  • LOVES clorox wipes with a passion, can easily empty a canister is minutes...using each one
  • loves to help cook, sweep, mop, vacuum, and any type of cleaning
  • LOVES her purple blanket, insists on sleeping with it always and hates giving it a "bath" every week
  • clothing of choice is nothing but a diaper and dozens of necklaces and bracelets
  • sleeps from 8 pm to 6 am taking a two hour nap during the day
  • loves swimming and is pretty good about floating on her own
  • loves making sure things are done the right way (her way of course)
  • loves to be outdoors
  • loves baby dolls, takes good care of them with blankets and bottles, carries them everywhere
  • when asked to show her happy face she points to her cheek with a straight face
  • loves the play kitchen and serves her family members wooden pizza in a cup with a spoon at least once daily
  • the busier she stays the happier she is
  • loves to color and draw (mostly on herself)
  • loves to help other people 
  • loves babies, when she sees a baby in the store she says "cute baby, mommy"
  • screams bloody murder every chance she gets
  • doesn't mind being threatened with discipline, doesn't enjoy the actual discipline though
  • knows all of her colors but grey and yellow 
  • knows circles, stars, and hearts; calls all other shapes circles
  • is loved insane amounts by her parents and sister

1 comment:

  1. and aunt. You will be so happy to go back and read this because stuff like this is so easy to forget over the years. She is hilarious and I am so glad she is in our family :)
