Friday, December 3, 2010

We have been sick this week

The girls were so cute playing the ipad together on the floor with "I don't feel so good" look on their faces
My poor baby Audrey has had croup really bad this week. I am keeping my fingers crossed that we are finally on the mend. We have spent the week in our pajamas,  drinking Tylenol, doing breathing treatments, trying to stay hydrated, watching lots of movies, and plenty of cuddling. Do you think we will be lucky enough not to get sick again until next yea? I can dream right :)


  1. Las Vegas makes people sick. Here in Logan...we don't get sick because we have good air quality you see.

  2. Chelsey you make me laugh! Dynelle, I am so sorry your girls and Adam have been so sick. Glad you are all on the mend.
