Thursday, May 30, 2013

New car

In desperate need of a bigger car Kirk and I have been trying to decide how long we will suffer in our Sonata before giving into a car payment and upgrading to a family car. After receiving a flyer in the mail promising top dollar for our trade in Kirk talked me into checking out the Hyundai car lot, with three kids in tow. As we were walking through the car lot Kirk and I both kept tripping over Kirsten's feet. I finally just picked her up to carry her when I realized Audrey didn't have any shoes on! Seriously! We were those people big time. Naturally I took a picture to memorialize the event.

As Kirk was about to leave to go buy the car, the next day, someone came to our house and offered to buy it. We therefore put all plans of a family car on hold. Sadly the sell of the home fell through within 48 hours leaving us devastated. Kirk decided to buy the car for mother's day and went to the dealership Saturday night, but they decided to offer $5,000 less for our trade in then they had originally verbally offered. So Kirk walked away. No new car, house didn't sell no wonder mothers day was such a bust.
Two weeks later we decided to buy the Chevy Traverse. It's beautiful and everything I had hoped, including leather seats and a dvd player. We are in heaven. A car made a big difference in our lives. We get out of the house a lot more now that we have a car we can all comfortably fit in. We are excited to go on our first road trip soon!

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