Thursday, May 2, 2013


I'm afraid Audrey has a disease. Something she was born with and there is not much we can do about it. I have diagnosed her with klutz-itis. I'm afraid Audrey is a little clumsy on her feet. She walks into walls, bonks her head, and trips over her own feet, on a daily basis! A few weeks ago she ended up with a bloody lip and nose from climbing a ladder at the park. Days after it healed she scored her second black eye playing next to my bed. Poor girl screams and wails. The only thing that calms her is talking about Timothy (which I think is adorable). We had fun watching her eye change colors. And she was determined to go back to the park the day after receiving her bloody lip and tell the ladder "that's not nice." I love my sweet (klutzy) Audrey!

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