Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sleeping Beauty

I love this picture.
It captures my sweet Kirsten perfectly.
I am enjoying ever moment of her being three.
She is growing up way to quickly for my liking.
Her naps are becoming few and far between, only about two a week.
I used to feel sorry for parents who's kids didn't take naps during the day, wondering how they ever survived without a little down time.
But I quite like having her awake during the day.
She is 99% of the time delightful and happy.
Her favorite thing to say is "Kirsten Happy!" and she says it multiple times during the day.
She loves role playing (especially getting Kirk and I involved in her pretend play).
She is changing dvd's in the car all by herself.
She opens starburst wrappers all by herself (her new favorite treat).
She uses the bathroom 100% by herself.
She changes her clothes 100% by herself.
She is so sweet and funny.
She loves to help Audrey with things like putting on her shoes. 
When I try to teach her how to spell her name she says "No, Kirsten R"
Love my Kirsten Sue so very very much.

1 comment:

  1. If you had come up with any other title, I still would have thought immediately, Sleeping Beauty! Kirsten is so beautiful and lovely. It's a blessing to keep up with the Howcroft family. Can you believe it's been almost 2 1/2 years since we got to see you last? Far too long!

    We're down to no naps around here. I don't like it. But at least the night waking (yes, you heard me right) is down to once or sometimes even none at all. And the nightmares about ladybugs have ceased. So I'll take it! Oh, and I tried to enforce quiet time, but that resulted in a little miss coming out of her room, walking up to me in the kitchen, and asking for help putting on her princess dress, petitioning me in a sweet, careful whisper. She whispered as she played for two hours--in every room of our apartment.
