Saturday, September 27, 2008

love lOvE LoVe LOVE my husband!

I literally have the best husband ever! Wednesday night I had a sahm (stay at home mom) meltdown, complete with wailing and gnashing of teeth. Thursday he came home with a cricket! Not the noisy bug, but a wonderful scrapbook tool that cuts out words and imagines. The wonderful man took the money he earned from his Intern job and bought it for me! He brought it home for me so that I can "use my talents and make things for people that need it" What an amazing man I married. Naturally the last couple of days I have been making crafty things like crazy. Here is a sample of the some cards I've made.
Wait it gets better. Today I went to a baby shower and when I came home the entire house was clean. Our bed was made, clothes picked up, Kirstens room straightened up, bathroom clean (and no man likes to clean the bathroom!), and dishes done! He is simply the best. I love you so much Kirk!Kirsten is still beautiful (of course!). She made her first attempts at army crawling this week!


  1. You lucky girl! A clean house and a cricut?! You're cards look so good. I expect one in the I can inspect closer...ha ha.

  2. long as you're sending cards, can I join the waiting list?... *lol*

    Kirk is pretty cool. He can come and clean my bathroom ANYTIME he feels like it. =)
