Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The final countdown

So Timothy will be here very soon. As in less than 10 days soon. All of my friends and family who were due before have had their babies, it's now my turn. It seems like this pregnancy has flown by until we got to November. And since November 1st (when I was officially going to have a baby next month) it has gone agonizingly slow. My thoughts just seem to be consumed about Timothy all day long and how it will be when I finally get to hold him. Mostly I'm ready to feel human again, I think. This pregnancy has been pretty easy but this past month I have zero energy. I feel like all I do is sit on the couch and think of all the things I need to get done. When my burst of energy finally comes I end up in pain before all the tasks I want to get done are finished. It's frustrating. But it's almost over. Kirk has been awesome. We had a bit of a struggle for a couple weeks where he was oblivious to the fact that I'm very pregnant and need more from him. But as soon as he recognized that he could do more he has been. Any time I am not keeping up on dishes or picking up he steps in without being asked. He has been feeding the girls and taking care of them without hesitation when he sees I'm not up for it. He has been absolutely wonderful. I'm very very grateful for him and can't wait to experience the joy of holding our son with him.

Audrey says the greatest things when it comes to Timothy. She thinks about him often throughout the day and it melts my heart.

The other day, while I was making dinner, she was running around our kitchen table counting the four chairs when suddenly she stopped dead in her tracks and says "Mommy, where's baby Timothy going to sit?" I suppose we will be upgrading to a "real" dining room table in a year or so!

The other night we were talking about how baby Timothy was going to get out of my belly. I showed her my c-section scar (because I can!) and told her the doctor would cut me open and get the baby out. She thought for a second and said "and get suckers too?" Suckers?! I asked. And she said "ya, suckers and candy from  your belly can come out" it took me a second but I suppose she thought I would break open like a pinata! If suckers come out with Timothy I will gladly share with everyone, ha ha!

We were talking about Timothy's' middle name and Audrey stopped and corrected us "It's Timothy Inmomsbelly Howcroft!" I wonder if he would actually like that for a middle name?

I left the house around 8 pm about a month ago to go to a game night with some friends. As I was kissing everyone goodbye Audrey asked me "Mom, are you going to take Timothy with you?" I told her I was and she asked "Oh, in your belly?" Ha ha I'm not sure why she thought I could just leave him!

She's a little obsessed with where Timothy will sit in the car. She is so excited to sit by him and take care of him when we are driving. (I'm hoping it gives her something to do and she won't be as difficult to travel with.) Anytime she is struggling in the car all I have to do is ask her about where Timothy will sit and she goes off on a long explanation about how he will sit next to her.

Kirsten is also excited but not quite as expressive or obsessed.  :)

Timothy is a sweet little guy in there. He moves but seems calm and gentle, more so than the girls were. I feel his little bum on my right side and his feet on my left. I love pushing on those little feet! His hands are always doing crazy things in my lower belly and sometimes, when I'm sitting, I can feel his hand moving through my belly and tickling my leg (where the belly is resting). My belly loves to turn on our kitchen stove (it's gas). For months any time I clean, put something in the microwave, or cook my belly is guilty of turning the stove on. Nothing has caught on fire...yet. We are certain to keep things off the stove though. Hopefully Timothy isn't a little pyro!
I'm not really sleeping anymore which leaves me feeling even more exhausted. I like to sit in Timothy's room and  dream of him, it's my happy place these days!

A few weeks ago a couple of my awesome friends threw me a baby shower. It was so fun to have friends who wanted to celebrate Timothy with me. A bunch of friends from our old Coronado ward came. It meant the world to me for so many friends to come. Everyone was super generous. I went to the shower without having a single diaper in my house and now my changing table and closet are filled to the brim with diapers. And lots of cute outfits! I feel so very blessed to have such wonderful (supportive) friends here in Vegas!

Anyway we are ready. Well as ready as we are going to be. Any windows that haven't been washed or cupboards that haven't been cleaned aren't going to be until January. We are ready for Christmas. All gifts have been wrapped and are either under the tree or are waiting for usps to deliver them. I'm planning to just enjoy the last couple of days snuggling my girls and spending lots of time doing whatever their little hearts desire. We are ready and waiting and only slightly willing my water to break any second :)


  1. One more week (unless your water does break:)! We're thrilled for the Howcroft family. Timothy must feel so loved already.

  2. Haha. My belly turns on the stove too. I'm so excited for you, Dynelle. You're almost there!
