Tuesday, October 27, 2009


So many things I love about this picture
  • Kirsten loves making her own tacos/fajitas and spends most of dinner arranging and rearranging the "condiments" on the shell. Then she finally folds the shell over and lifts it to her mouth, all the food falling out.
  • Her doll. She always has one of two dolls in her arms (or her bear). Don't worry the doll doesn't starve, she feeds the doll some of her food
  • The bracelet she is wearing. I let her try it on and she wouldn't let go when I tried to put it back. Toys/ food go ahead and put it back...but a bracelet is a necessity
  • She's dubbed herself to big for her high chair and now likes to sit at the table on the stool
  • Kirk's waiting for Kirsten to finish playing in her food so he can eat it :)

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha....yeah this pic is classic! I almost died laughing =)
