Sunday, March 6, 2011

The very best kind of friend

I have been blessed with really great friends throughout my life. The kind of friends who I met in elementary school and still talk to regulary. Friends have had a huge impact on my life for the better. Almost everytime after I am with or talk to my friends I want to be a better person. A couple of my friends and I have a girls weekend planned in a few weeks and I am so excited.
I have one friend in particular who is hands down one of the very best people I know. She aspires me to be better and loves me unconditionally. I am so grateful for her. She is the type of friend who
  • knows I am having a bad day before I even tell her
  • sends gifts to my girls on their birthdays
  • e-mails me spiritual encouragement
  • remembers significant dates and calls me on those days
  • encourages me to chase my dreams
  • will listen (and relate) to my triumphs and frustrations with motherhood
  • is the type of person I can call, even when she is on family vacation, when I really need a friend
  • I know she prays for me regularly
  • we share about a thousand inside jokes
  • we have at least 5 nick names for each other
AND she sends me flowers for no particular reason at all.

I am one lucky girl to be her friend.


  1. Everyone needs a friend like that. That's awesome! She is definitely an amazing person. The flowers are beautiful.

  2. I can guarantee that your friend feels the exact same way about you!! Those flowers were great!
