Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Kirsten=Cookie Monster

Late this evening we remembered we were dangerously low on milk. Kirk volunteered to make a quick run to the grocery store. I asked Kirsten if she wanted to go with him but she was leaning towards staying and watching Cinderella until I mentioned that Kirk would probably buy her cookies. She blows me kisses goodbye and takes off hand in hand with Kirk, visions of cookies dancing in her head.
At the store she finds fruit snacks and when Kirk asks her if she would rather have fruit snacks or cookies, she immediately placed the fruit snacks on the shelf! Kirk then took her to the cookie isle and let her pick any package of cookies she wanted. She grabbed a box and put in the cart but Kirk asked her if she was sure. Second guessing herself she put the cookies back on the shelf surveying her options again. Then finally she spots the cookies of choice on the very top shelf. Kirk hands her the cookies and she lovingly holds then only separating from them enough to let the cashier ring up the price.
Kirk lets her eat cookies all the way home. When she comes into the house she runs up to me showing her prize box of cookies and graciously shares. In fact she made sure Kirk and I kept cookie in hand the rest of the night!
Our little Cookie Monster


  1. Don't get me wrong, I love Sesame Street's Cookie Monster, but Kirsten is so much cuter, so much more lovable, and so much more beautiful. "'C' is for cookie; that's good enough for me!" And "K" is for Kirsten; as cute as can be!

  2. Sweetest girl in the world with a little bit of spunk :) I love her personality so much! Cute story.
