Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The "I am putting off packing" blog post

Tomorrow we are going to wake up insanely early and drive to Utah. I've missed it so much. Yes, it being the state of Utah and all the people I love who live there. And the mountains. I am now one of those people who miss the Utah mountains. There is a mountain not far from our house I call my Utah mountain. Then we went to St George to get all of our stuff out of storage and I saw real Utah mountains and I realized my Utah mountain was a really small "wish it was a Utah mountain" kind of mountain. If you get what I mean (secret message I'm excited to see more than desert and billboards).
Kirsten has officially hit the terrible twos. Aka she took a permanent marker to my couches while I fed Audrey upstairs. That's right I said couches(plural). Not part of the couches unless we are counting every single part. The arms, each cushion, as well as the carpet, tile, blinds, a few toys, movies, her arms, and toes. Sigh. But I was a good mom and punished her by putting her in the corner and pointing to the ruined couches 15-20 times telling her no no no and didn't just spank her and send her to the room for the rest of the night like parted of me wanted. But apparently for a real artist any punishment is worth it, because during Audrey's 3:00 feeding today Kirsten took a pen (you bet I hid all the writing utensils in our house, but I used a pen to do bills earlier and left it on the desk) to ALL THE SAME PLACES she colored yesterday. I spent four hours scrubbing yesterday with hairspray, a rag, and water. Didn't even get a fourth of it out. They call it permanent marker for a reason. Oh and the kicker? I really want new couches and was hoping to sell these to help fund my new couches. So not going to happen anymore. Sigh
Want to hear me complain some more?
A couple weeks ago the girls and I went to Target. Not surprising since we are there 3-4 times a week. What can I say, it's my happy place. Everyone was tired and grumpy. I went to pay for my merchandise and realized I didn't have my debit card. It was in my back pocket when I went in the store and wasn't there anymore. Pay with a credit card and alert customer service about the card being lost. Come home and cancel the card. Find it in my purse the next day. Awesome. Too bad I canceled it. Drive 45 minutes to MACU to get new cards, but their machine is broke. Awesome. Ask them to mail the cards to me. 3 days later get my card in the mail. Not one of Kirk. Awesome. Finally get around to calling on it a week later and they say his has been sent out and for us to wait for it to show up. It has since been another week totaling 3 weeks since we requested his card. He still doesn't have one. Awesome. Oh and our credit card was stolen online and canceled. They were suppose to mail us new ones. But we haven't seen those either. Awesome. So between the two of us we only have one debit card. We call it our "forced to save because we don't have access to our money"plan. You should try it.
One more whiny story?
Audrey is cutting both of her top teeth. Poor girl is so miserable. We get to hold her. A lot.
On happy notes, Audrey is so cute. She melts my heart repeatedly during the day. And the girls are really starting to play together. I don't think you can really appreciate this unless you have two kids. But seeing them play together is the absolute best. The other night Kirsten laid next to Audrey outside and point at the stars, and airplanes, and doggies (birds) and just babbled and babbled...Audrey grinning and squealing. cute!
One more cute story then I promise to go pack.
We use a lot of signs with Kirsten, one of them being "thank you". Yesterday I put Audrey on the floor in my bedroom while I was getting ready for the day and she started to cry. Kirsten comes to her rescue with a toy (ok it was really a travel size shaving cream can, but ya know). Audrey proudly accepts the offering with a huge smile. Kirsten then spent the next couple minutes trying to get Audrey to sign thank you to her. Cute. Just too cute. They are the best. I love being their mom.
PS Happy Birthday to Kirk tomorrow!(ladies I know it's hard to resist, but he is all mine!)
PPS won't our boys be soooo cute?
PPSS No I haven't given into the idea of having boys...
PPPSS But it's really about Kirk's birthday. I'm so happy you are 26 honey!
PPPSSS I really am going to pack...NOW

1 comment:

  1. i've never laughed so hard, not about your misfortunes, but about that AMAZiNG photo of Kirk! Happy Birthday. i think you ought to have a retro themed b-day party and have him dress up like that again! i can't stop laughing!
