Thursday, May 20, 2010

Best Weekend Ever!

Last weekend was awesome. It started on Thursday when my brother Garrett and his wife Emily came down from Provo for some nice relaxing fun. We spent all day Friday at the pool.

Then we woke up early Saturday morning and drove to the Laguna beach, which is about 4 hours away from Las Vegas. The entire time we were in the car with grouchy children I just kept thinking about all of the things we should be getting done on a Saturday. But as soon as we were on the beach (aka heaven) I never ever wanted to leave. We were even able to see dolphins and seals from the shore. It was so cool. We stayed at the beach for about 5 hours and then met up with some friends for dinner. It was an awesome day.
NewlywedsKirsten kept sending Emily down to the ocean for more water.
Audrey is getting so big.
Her first trip to the ocean was a huge success.

I told Kirk if we ever strike it rich, we are relocating to one of these homes.
Audrey was a big fan of the sand. Any chance she had to dive for the sand she would take it. We had to keep our eyes on her constantly or she would have a mouth full of sand. She pooped sand for two days afterwords.
Then Sunday, a couple hours after Garrett left, our good friends Joe and Brenna showed up with their cute kids. Joe was here for a conference, so Brenna and I got to spend all day Monday and Tuesday chatting and playing with our kids. It was a blast. Kirsten and Jade are only 3 months apart and Brenna and I have been anxiously waiting for the day when they would play together. The time has totally arrived. These two girls made us laugh pretty much the entire time.

For instance. We were upstairs in the playroom when Kirsten found the stash of swim diapers. She promptly stripped herself naked and put her swim diaper on then found a swim diaper to give to Jade. Brenna tells Jade no. Jade then walks down the stairs with her swim diaper and returns a few minutes later with nothing but the swim diaper on.
Audrey and Isaac chilling at the park.
Like Kirsten's shoes she put on herself (the orange sandals her dad bought her are her favorite)? And Kirsten's skirt Jade is wearing over her shorts? These girls loved wearing each others clothes.
Notice the high heels. Major drama.
If you look closely at the next picture you can see the tiny black bug on Kirsten's hand. Both girls are staring at it. This poor little bug was loved to death. But not before it suffered through an hour of affection from two little toddlers. These girls were fascinated with it.
We love visitors, if you ever have the chance to come to Vegas we would love to see you!


  1. I so very much love these pictures. I know I'm biased but they are definatelly the cutesy ever. The funniest picture is poor Emily making the solitary trip back to the ocean for water!!!!! Ha! Gotta love that girl!

  2. So when are all of us going to develop a neighborhood where we can all live by each other and enjoy all the cute kids we've made...looks so fun! Both you and Brenna have such beautiful girls!

  3. That beach looks awesome. I want to go!
