Sunday, August 30, 2009

A few thoughts the night before Audrey is born

Tomorrow she'll be a big sister. And you know what? I think she's actually ready. In the past six weeks she's grown up. The second Audrey's room was ready Kirsten was in there going through Audrey's blankets and baby things using them for her own baby. She has me wrap her doll in blankets then puts it in the bouncer (and yes most the time she tries to get in the bouncer with her baby). She spreads blankets out on the floor and puts her baby to sleep blowing the doll kisses and waving goodnight. Makes me smile every time.
She is also a huge help around the house. She throws away her own diaper and any piece of trash we give her. Every chance she has to get the broom out of the pantry she does, then spends most her day sweeping the house. She grabs rags out of the kitchen drawer and wipes down the fridge, stove, and floor. It's pretty stinking adorable! Audrey and our house will be well taken care of.

Friday night Kirk took his three girls out on a date (yes the belly is big enough to be her own person). We went to the splash pad/main street river and Arbys (5 for $5 deal...not the $5.95 stint they tried to pull). We had a blast. Kirsten could live in the water. (Seriously, she climbs into tub fully clothed just to play with her water toys, longing for bathtime!) We love the free water splash pads St George offers. Here are a couple pictures of our Friday night fun

Turns out I'm having a baby tomorrow. Tomorrow!!!! I have a hard time believing it, I can't imagine how you all feel. But we are ready. We are so past ready.
  • Yard...weeded, mowed, sprayed with Round Up, cockroaches as good as dead
  • Garage...clean
  • Car...clean
  • Microwave, Stove, Fridge...clean
  • Closets, cupboards...clean
  • Audrey's room...ready
  • Floors...swept, mopped, vacuumed
  • clean
  • Sheets...washed
  • Bags...packed
  • Hair bows, blankets, nursing cover...made
  • Belly...huge (don't judge the way I look in this picture...focus on the belly (like you can really see anything else))

Dear Audrey
I couldn't sleep last night because I kept thinking of you in my arms, kissing your tiny chubby cheeks. Hopefully I sleep tonight, otherwise I will be sleeping with you in my arms! I love you so much and can't wait to welcome you into our family. I promise you'll like it here. Your sister is energetic, funny, and sweet. You won't get any rest with her around (I don't either so we can rough it together). Your Dad rocks. Everyone says that but you can mean it. He will cuddle and love you more than you can imagine. He will also teach you to walk into walls and make you squeal with delight. Yes, I'm fully confident you'll like it here in our family. We love you and can't wait to hold you in our arms tomorrow.
Love, Mom
PS Everything will go better if you sleep through the night asap...thanks!


  1. That letter to Audrey is too sweet. Yes, she is going to love life on the outside. Doesn't it feel good to check off the things on that list?!

  2. What a special post for both Audrey and Kirsten! Can't tell you how much I admire your readiness, organization, cleanliness, and thoughtfulness. Last night I wondered if you were able to fall asleep okay with all the anticipation of Audrey's arrival. A couple times I woke up and then couldn't go back to sleep right away just thinking about you thinking about her! We're thrilled for you and hope all went well with her birth.

  3. Okay, I just got teary eyed in the library while I read that. What an incredible mother you are! Okay I have to stop because Brett is coming back and he will make fun of me for crying.
