Thursday, August 28, 2008

A New Job Already!

You know my husband? The really analytical one? Ya, that's right the same one that has had at least 2 jobs and 18 credits for the past year? Remember how we were going to take it slow and just enjoy time together until he graduates? Well there is a data analyst internship available in the operations and maintenance department at the church headquarters. Kirk figures he might as well apply for it because that's exactly what he would like to do for his career , if nothing else he can just get an idea if that's something that he would really be interested in. So...he went and interviewed today. And they begged him to take the job, not even joking. They want him to start tomorrow! So, Kirk once again has two jobs (the FM department head wasn't about to let him quit either). He's really excited about the analyst job. He'll be watching over two hundred million square footage of church owned buildings. He'll be looking at world wide information that not many people have access to. Pretty much he's stoked to be a part of something bigger than he is. I'm so proud of my man!In other news Kirsten is officially sitting up. We thought that she was doing good on the couch, but she has alwasy been pretty good at supported sitting. The other day we were at the park and she sat up, on the grass, by herself, for twenty minutes! Where has my baby gone?


  1. Congratulations on the "big" job. That is great news....for him at least. Sorry your missing out on the relaxing down-time...Dynelle. I can't believe Kirsten is sitting up already...where has your baby gone?

  2. Huge congrats to you all. Kirk for the job, Kirsten for sitting up and Dynelle for helping make it all possible. =)
