Monday, April 4, 2011

Little Helper

My Audrey is the best little helper. She is always the first to help pick up toys, I can hand her anything and tell her to go put it away and she will, she throws trash away (including her own diaper and Kirsten's too), wipes her own nose, washes her hands, and always makes sure we have a hand/dish towel hanging on the stove. Dang she's cute!

Oh and she helps unload the dishwasher too!


  1. oh my heck! She is so stinkin' cute! I had no idea you had such a good helper on your hands. She looks adorable in these pics. Also she is getting huge! You should send her up here to help us out :)

  2. Her hair is so Audrey Hepburn in the first few pics! Now, if she ever starts saying things like, "Mom, I like to be your Cinderella" then you might want to back down a bit. Until then, werk it. ;-)
