Monday, March 2, 2009

Baby Update

Today we are 13 weeks!
Goodbye first trimester!
I haven't felt nausea for about a week (yea!)
But I get so tired in the second trimester that I could sleep all night and all day
I had my first appointment with our new doctor today

She is amazing
As soon as I was signed in and my paperwork filled out
they took me back to get an ultrasound!
Kirk and I were immediately in love with this office
Baby looks awesome, stuborn just like her sister, though
no profile picture, but nice picture of her back...don't you think?
Then I met with the nurse, who was very thorough,
which I appreciated

Back to the waiting room for the doctor
a friendly smiley woman came and showed me to my exam room
a few minutes later she came back in and said she was my doctor
who actually took the time to come get us from the waiting room so we weren't waiting forever!
that's my kind of doctor.
She was so friendly and kind
We talked about having a c section with Kirsten
and she gave me more of an idea why I might have had one, from what we told her, than Kirsten's doctor ever did.

I was really in love after the appointment.
She even gave me a hug as she left the room.
I told Kirk we aren't ever leaving Provo because I want her to deliver all my babies.

Awesome doctor
awesome appointment


  1. What a blessing! We're so happy your new doctor is personable, knowledgeable, and perfect for you guys! So glad you found someone so close and who is exactly what you need.

  2. It's about time you find a good doctor....and wouldn't you know...she's female. I was shocked to read that you're already in the 13th week. Pregnancy goes so fast when it's your little sister that's pregnant.
