Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween 2012

We have had a lot of Halloween fun the past couple of days! Friday we went to the local pumpkin patch to let the girls play on the slides and rides. They had a blast and did not want to leave.
Sisters sitting on hay bales

Showing off their tickets for their rides
Saturday night was our wards trunk or treat. We combined with our friends in the nearby ward so their was lots of yummy candy by the end of the night. Audrey has been dreaming of being a pirate since February and decided she was a pirate that says "AAAAA" instead of Arrrr since her name starts with A! Kirsten has wanted to be a barbie princess butterfly mermaid for Halloween. Luckily she settled for Cinderella by the time trunk or treat came (after changing her mind from Ariel and Aurora earlier in the day!).
This pirate wears lipstick!
Our beautiful princess
Trying to decide which two pieces of candy to eat before bed!
Trunk or Treat 2012
Making Halloween necklaces with friends
Monday night a few friends came over for a Halloween FHE. We had the traditional cheesy bacon soup and rolls. We played pin the nose on the pumpkin, eat the doughnut on the string, and had a pinata. It was a super fun night!
Some of the cutest kids ever!
Tuesday night we carved pumpkins. Kirsten refused to touch any of the guts and Audrey was very helpful when it came to carving/gutting her pumpkin!
So excited to make a ghost pumpkin
Soooo cold! (at 72 degrees)
Audrey's kitty pumpkin
Ghost pumpkins for breakfast on Halloween morning
Halloween night our mermaid and pirate!
Kirsten took this picture for us. Audrey insisted that Timothy be "this guy" the devil mask so I stuck it on my belly ha ha
We had fun trick or treating to a few houses in our neighborhood then came home and ate candy and watched a movie, fun night!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

3D ultrasound

 I was lucky to have a free 3D ultrasound of Timothy this week. It was so much fun to see a close up of his handsome little face. He reminds me a lot of his sisters. His face is very similar to Audrey but with Kirsten's cheeks! He was totally cooperative and definitely still a boy :)
Smiley little guy
Pouty face
Cringe! Mom leave me a lone!
Now if that isn't a Howcroft profile!
The cutest button nose and oh those lips!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Fall trip to Utah 2012

We spent last week in Utah it was a fun crazy trip. We drove up Thursday (the 11th) stopped and had dinner with Amada at Noodles then went up to SLC to meet baby Barrett. He is adorable and Audrey and I couldn't get enough of him! We got a hotel for a couple nights with my sister Camille and her kids. Chelsey joined us on Friday and we enjoyed lots of swimming, shopping, and hanging out with family. Saturday Kirk did the tough mudder than we drove to Vernal. We spent a couple days with his family playing in Nana's leaves and with more cousins. Kirk flew to DC on Tuesday and the girls and I spent a couple days with my parents. Wednesday we went to stay with Kristy to help her move into her new house. We had so much fun spending time with family and cousins, but my nesting instincts were going crazy so I'm grateful to be home getting my house ready for baby Timothy!
Taking pictures of each other keep the girls entertained on the long drive
Also self portrait, isn't she beautiful!
Our sleeping beauty!
Dinner with cousins!

Audrey and Barrett

Kirsten and Audrey love their Allie

Gardner's Village with Chelsey and the Coopers!
Grandma reading a Halloween story the her grandkids
Grandpa the girls and Jacob at breakfast
Kirsten fell asleep on Chelsey's lap
After Kirsten woke up Audrey promptly crawled onto Chelsey's lap and fell asleep
Favorite picture from the tough mudder
Celebrating Dad's accomplishment with chocolate cake!
Family fall picture at the park
Playing in the leaves with Bekah
Taking a nap with Audrey
Audrey swinging with Daddy
The girls love Nana's backyard!
Kirk and Stetson
Craving pumpkins with Ben, Brixton, and Hawk
Drawing a unicorn pumpkin
Pictures of Kirk's trip to DC

Movie night with Grandpa and Grandma complete with popcorn and fudge

My girls LOVED Madison...who wouldn't when she acts as a horse for them
Brave girl at the park
Playing at the park with Brayden! (Kirsten learned bunny ears this trip)
Two ipads!!!
Our angel...and her best friend
Quick stop in Bridgeland for Kirk to make a work phone call on the way home.