Monday, March 8, 2010

Our Two Year Old

My favorite things about my Kirsten Sue being two

  • Kirsten is a big help around the house. She loves cleaning and picking things up. She is also a huge help with Audrey. If Audrey cries Kirsten runs to her rescue and keeps Audrey nice and entertained. Sometimes she even lets Audrey play with her cars!
  • She is a genuinely happy person. As long as she gets all of her required sleep she is one happy content little girl.
  • Kirsten really enjoys the little things in life. Going somewhere with her is not done quickly. She takes her time and enjoys the tress, birds, grass, rope, and bugs. Walking in the store she likes to touch everything and explore her surroundings.
  • Kirsten gives the best hugs. She really throws her whole body into it. Kirk gets most of her hugs. Before he leaves for work and when he comes home she stands by the door with arms open wide waiting her him to pick her up, which he does with a huge smile, and she wraps arms around his neck and snuggles into his shoulders. Ok, I admit it I'm jealous.
  • She is a big sweetheart. When Audrey falls asleep in my arms Kirsten comes and rubs her head (most the time waking her up) and gives her kisses.
  • Kirsten has a huge imagination! She could entertain herself for hours with her stuffed animals. We find them in the most random places.
  • She loves baths still and would spend all of her time at home in the tub if I would let her.
  • She lives off of chocolate milk, fruit snacks, and posicles
  • She's really brave. There is nothing to high for her to climb!
  • She loves singing and dancing. If there is music playing she will stop dead in her tracks and start dancing moving her head back and forth, her arms bent at the elbow moving up and down. She loves ring around the rosies, teddy bear song, and head shoulders knees and toes.
  • Kirsten's run! She swings her arms in the opposite direction than she swings her hips. It's quite the site and always makes me smile.
  • Shopping with Kirsten is nothing short of an adventure. She loves to ride on the bottom of the cart or hold onto the side. Or she is army crawling across the floor. It can be embarrassing but it's all part of that imagination.
  • And as her nursery teacher put it "Kirsten is the only girl I know that would rather play with cars than anything else"


  1. She is REALLY CUTE!!!!


  2. Dynelle, you dun good! They are just both so beatuiful!

  3. It's so perfect to have her photo taken with the cars. She'll cherish this one when she's older. Adorable!

  4. I had to look at your blog because I miss you guys and needed to see some Howcroft faces before I started crying . . . oops, the tears came anyway :) Thanks again for a marvelous week, Dynelle. Your two girls are adorable, and I am glad we got to spend time with Kirsten and Cakers--I hope they don't forget us!!
