Sunday, January 31, 2010

Vegas Ghetto Living

Our "Classy" Apartment
Luckily we are basically under lockdown and this is the gate we go threw to get to our apartment (not so fun to carry to sleeping girls in from the car from though)
 It's green in Vegas!
The swimming pool that looks pretty from far off
 Home Sweet Home
Our Apartment Kirsten's corner of the room
 Audrey's corner of the room
Kirk and my corner of the room
Our snazzy kitchen
Our family closet
Our bathroom
The other half of our bathroom
Jealous much?


  1. Great pictures! How is it that although you're in a temporary housing situation you are able to make even a ghetto apartment look so clean, presentable, and cute?! You're amazing! I'm so glad you are all together again. And this little stint in this small place will amplify the much welcomed contrast in your new house shortly. From the outside those apartments are very reminiscent (to me, anyway) of Recita, CA in The Karate Kid! So cool! I love the picture of you and Kirsten!

  2. Well, at least you don't have to walk far when the kids get up at night (or do you have perfect angels that never do that?) I'm sure you'll find something awesome in no time the way things are down there! Good luck, and don't forget to stop in and say hi when your passing through! I really do miss you!

  3. Wow! You are going to love your new house...opposition! I laughed at this though, because you guys have mostly lived in Utah your whole lives, and I remember the culture shock I had when I moved to California, so I am laughing at what you must be thinking! I remember always being paranoid that I was going to wear the wrong gang color and get shot :) Stick with pink!

  4. Totally jealous--cuz Vegas has you and I don't! I agree that your place looks like home sweet home even though it's small and ghetto. I miss you guys!!
