Sunday, February 10, 2008

Counting Down

Kirk and I are pretty sure that we are finally going to meet Kirsten this week. That is, if she is ready to meet us. If things go as planned we should have a baby by Chelsey's birthday (Feb 15)! It's so exciting and nerve racking to think we could be parents by the end of the week. Whenever I get nervous about labor or delivery I just think that I won't be pregnant this time next week and it makes everything ok!
Kirk's working like crazy to get ahead on all of his homework so he won't have to stress the next couple of weeks. I think that I have everything ready in her room, that is until I go in there and think "I should iron her bed skirt" or "maybe we should put together the bouncer ahead of time." So we are staying plenty busy. Not to mention that it's time to sign rental contracts for our property management job, keeping us on our toes.
We will update as real contractions start! (38 weeks pregnant in the pictures)


  1. Dynelle,

    You look AWESOME! You are a hot mamma! You are going to be a great mother, and Kirk a great father. Labor will be the most "painful" but WONDERFUL, UNFORGETFUL experience ever... it's so incredible that you have had this baby in there for so long, and now you finally get to meet her and she won't leave your side for a minute for a long time! I am soooooo HAPPY FOR YOU! SOOOO HAPPY! I know that you and Kirk will do great in the delivery room! Hee Hee Hee Hoooooo ! haha Much love, "Annie"

  2. So you've entered the "blog world!" This will be fun to watch. Cute pictures....can't wait until one of them has a baby in it.
