Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Cute things from yesterday

I have about one billion cute funny things to blog about, but every time I sit down to blog it doesn't happen. But these pictures from yesterday deserve the ten minutes it takes to post them. Enjoy and hopefully I will catch up soon :)
Getting ready for school yesterday was full of three year old determination. She was determined to wear this out dated dress and determined to do her hair herself. I was not allowed to think about touching her hair. This is her finished product, which she is super proud of and kept saying "oh Kirsten cute! Pretty hair!" Even I waited until second grade to do my hair for school. Yes I let her get on the bus looking like this, embracing my preschoolers cute personality!

While we were doing Kirsten's hair Audrey was playing quietly downstairs. We came down to find her playing with her doll house dolls, giving them kisses before putting them to bed. I was thinking how cute she was until Kirsten screamed from the bathroom. Apparently Audrey was busy taking care of her poopie diaper while Kirsten was doing her hair. That towel has most of the poop swaddled in it. Audrey has really gotten into a bad habit of taking care of her dirty diapers herself, it has got to stop. It's time to enforce potty training a little more.
But doesn't she look like an angel when she sleeps? Love this baby girl so much!
Kirsten has started her gymnastics class and really loves it. Here she is doing her back bend (she did it on her own a little later).
And her very first hand stand!
Our girls have discovered the glory of band-aids. They want one every time they think they get hurt. The other night we were playing games when Kirsten was "injured" and needed a band-aid. Audrey piped right up "band-aid, band-aid, band-aid" I asked her where her owie was and she pointed to her shirt "shirt owie, band-aid please!" She just kept pleading in the cutest little voice, it's hard to turn someone that sweet down. In this picture she bonked her head, but it's "all better" thanks to a band-aid!


  1. Kirsten did a great job with her hair! Much better than anything I did even at the age of 10 or 11. And you got to hand it to Audrey--she is self-reliant. She was trying her best to take care of the situation on her own. I'm sure you'd appreciate her being a little more dependent on you in that area though. Band-aids are all the rage in this house right now, too. Daniel had to hide the princess band-aids because a certain little gal decided she had many owies and began using them like stickers. Hiding them was a great idea till the other night when she really did need one and I could only find the last plain ol' tan band-aid in our medicine cabinet (Daniel was camping). Can we say utter and complete meltdown?! Audrey and Kirsten are adorable! Wish we were nearby to have play dates!

  2. How cute! You should blog more often :) Kirsten is an awesome gymnast and hairstylist and Audrey is very efficient. Love it!
