Monday, April 14, 2008

Finally Spring

We are thrilled the weather finally let it be spring outside. We took a nice long walk yesterday (3 hours!). We came home with summertime grins on our faces, sunburns and sore muscles mean summer!

Kirsten is starting to smile. It's adorable! She's huge smiles when we get her out of her crib in the morning. She is more and more fun everyday, but still a cuddly newborn-the best of both worlds.

Saturday Karen and Liz came out to Provo. Liz and I decided to cut our hair. Below is a picture of my new mom hair do.


  1. Fun! Remember to get some kites and tie the strings together to make a super-long string =)


  2. I love your "mom do." It's way of these days mine will be grown out to that point again. She's still just as cute as ever.

  3. Can Kirsten get any more perfect?! Your hair looks super cute--I wish mine did!

  4. Hey...the hair looks good. Welcome to the "I-don't-have-time-for-long-hair" club. You look really good.
