Friday, December 14, 2012

Day 6 (Dec 11)

Timothy is a rockstar and sleeps well during the night, I'm only up once with him for about half an hour. I really shouldn't be as tired as I am. I'm getting more sleep than I did when I was pregnant but somehow I'm still exhausted. Tuesday morning Kirk took my mom and the girls to "the new park" so I could stay home and get some rest. I told them I wasn't tired but they insisted, well it turns out I was able to sleep an hour and a half...mother is always right. We took Timothy to his first doctors appointment and were glad to have it over with. Kirsten stayed home from school and Kirk took the girls out on the town for a date while my mom and I stayed home and had a nice heart to heart. We have loved having my mom in our home. She has been so good to us cooking, cleaning, giving us gifts, and taking good care of my girls. My girls haven't wanted to leave Grandma's side and insists she dances, plays go fish, and do everything else they like to do with them. As they were going to bed Grandma asked them for a last hug and kiss (since her flight was early) and Audrey cried out "NO, stay until after Christmas!" We certainly are grateful she came and stayed a week with us.
Taking a nap with mom on her bed. What's not to love about that face!
First trip to the doctor. 8lbs 8 oz, starting to gain again
Audrey loves to hold her brother and even let him use her favorite blanket

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