Monday, October 1, 2012

All things Little Man

I can't believe it's already October. Only 66 more days and our little man will be here, can you believe it? I hardly can. This pregnancy has flown by for me. I feel so lucky and excited that we have a little man joining our family soon. I'm humbled when I think of how lucky I am that he is healthy and that he is mine. I was telling Kirk the other day that while I don't enjoy the aches and pains of being pregnant I really do enjoy being pregnant. I am so amazed at my body's ability to create a baby. I love to feel him moving around in there and anticipating the life he will live. I can't wait until I get to hold him, love him, and cherish him.
We decided on a name for him, so unless he comes out and specifically asks us to name something else his name will be Timothy. We love the meaning of the name,  God's honor, and that it's a common name that is not over used.
I made the goal over the summer to have his room done by October 1st so I could focus on my girls and Christmas the last couple of agonizing months. And guess what? It's done! I really love everything about how it turned out. We decided to go with a airplane theme inspired from a decal Kristy found on pinterest. I found a cute airplane crib sheet on amazon and decided to forgo a bumper and crib skirt and go for a simple look. His room is painted grey with his closet painted green. We've had problem with the closet doors since we moved in so we decided to just take them off completely. I also found a cute airplane mobile from pinterest and it hangs above his changing table. My sister Kristy gave me the cute baskets in his changing table and they match the lamp my sister Amanda gave me. I painted the blue and white frame myself and it's waiting patiently for Timothy to show up. Kirk cut the little blocks from a 2x4 and I painted them. I found the fabric for his curtains on etsy and sewed them myself, including matching up the cheveron stripes (a pain!).
I made this blanket inspired from a picture I saw on pinterest (we can go ahead and call this room a pinterest room!). It was fairly simple and so much fun to make! It was my first time binding a blanket and I just love how it turned out! I also made a car seat cover, nursing cover, a diaper strap, and a door knob quieter.
This is the outfit I picked out for him to wear home from the hospital. It says little brother on the shirt and has the cutest star on the bum. It's preemie size so lets hope he's not much bigger than 8 lbs so he fits in it!
But just in case I also fell in love with these cute stripey jammies. Back up coming home outfit!
I also am blessed to have wonderful friends. My awesome friend Sara knitted this handsome little sweater for Timothy. It's sooo soft and I cant wait for him to wear it!
We were lucky to get a free 3D ultrasound of our little guy at 26 1/2 weeks. He was so not cooperative and had his hands and feet in his face the entire time. We weren't shocked he seems to be a little on the shy side. It was so fun to see him moving around and we even got to see him swallowing. Pregnancy is absolutely amazing I tell you. Isn't he just so handsome? I can't wait to introduce you to him!
We are all so excited for Timothy to come. We talk about him all day long. When we play "who stole the cookie from the cookie jar" Audrey always makes sure we don't forget Timothy. We were asking Kirsten if she is was going to help us take care of Timothy and she was like ya sure. Then I asked her if she would help me change Timothy's diapers and she exclaimed "NO way! That's gross! Mommy does it!" She was so adamant about it Kirk and I couldn't help but crack up. The other day Audrey and I were at the grocery store and we saw a baby boy in a nearby cart. Audrey got all excited and said "soon we will have a baby boy and he can come home with us and I will hold him and kiss him!" It was so sweet. This baby boy is very very loved.
Anyway 66 more days and he will be here. My mom has already booked her flight and plans to be here when he arrives to help out. I'm so excited and can't wait to have a baby in our home for the holidays. Here's to the next 66 days, may they pass quickly!


  1. HI!!!
    I just wanted to say how smart it is to have everything ready ahead of time. THe last month is so hard! I will be thinking of you! But the prize is well worth it! and I lOVE how you painted inside the closet too! and i wanted to thank u for keeping this blog, i always read it, its just hard to leave comments (3 kids ahhh) But i am so excited for you and your family, babys are the best. remember to take LOTS of pictures!! LOts of love! Brenna

  2. Holy cute room!! I LOVE everything you made, it is DARLING!!!!

  3. Nice job on the nursery! Mine still isn't done, and my baby is almost 5 months! And good thinking with the backup outfit...wish I had done that, my little chunker hardly fit in his, and he hasn't worn it since! Good luck with everything, and enjoy these last few weeks with your girls. 3 kids is wonderful, but it is a lot of work and you don't have as much time to go around!

  4. Come decorate my house!!! Also, I can't wait to meet him!

  5. And to think you were nervous about decorating for a boy--you so have this down, girl! LOVE LOVE LOVE it! He is so blessed to be coming to your family, and I am now even more excited to meet him. Whether Mark will admit it or not, we're coming to Vegas for Spring Break :)

  6. The room is adorable, Dynelle! You should come help me decorate my nursery now! ;) I hope you are feeling good.
