Yesterday I turned 3. Awesome huh? I am officially old enough for barbies, high heels, and preschool. I had a fantastic day. I woke up about 6:15 and yelled for Daddy to come get me (technically I could leave my room myself but I like yelling for Daddy to come rescue me). Mom came to get me but I promptly shut the door on her because I am a Daddy's girl all the way.
Dad brought me back into bed with him and mom and I got to open a present from my Grandma Brinkerhoff. She knows me so well and gave me two Mercer Myer books, a Fancy Nancy book, and a little Fancy Nancy doll which I proudly carried around all day.
We came down and had Fruit Loops for breakfast, my favorite! I got to wear my new dress that I picked out at Target, don't I have good taste?
Before Daddy left for work I got to open another present. I am a huge fan of opening presents! High heels and princess jewelry, I promptly put on the crown, necklace, and pink shoes and didn't take them off until after dinner. Mom tried to get me to change my a few times, but a princess gets to wear what she wants on her birthday.
We had a busy morning, I finished up with my early intervention, went to my new school, and met my new teacher (who is super nice).
We came home and Audrey and I took a nap before lunch, I wanted to get in as much beauty rest as possible before my party.
Daddy came home about the time I woke up and he made me my favorite ramon noodles for lunch, is there anything more delicious?
Then we went to the playground in our neighborhood to have a party. Lots of my friends came we played, danced, and the boys pretended to be monsters and chased us girls around while we screamed. My mom made cupcakes for everyone, pink my favorite color! I stuck with my own birthday tradition and refused to eat one (I never eat my birthday cake).
After such a fun party we came home and took another nap! But not before I opened a few more presents from Aunt Kristy (Gater Golf!), Hana and Cameron (Ariel and Eric wedding set!) and Nana (two pretty outfits and a book).
When Daddy came home we went to the "aquarium" and I got to pick out a fish to bring home. I picked out the prettiest fish there. We even got a castle for her to live in. Technically our fish is a boy, but don't tell him!
After dinner and a bath I got to open my last present four princess dress up dolls! I was so excited I said "wow!" "pretty!" "cute!" then fell promptly asleep with them next to me.
My birthday was a blast thank you to all the friends and family who called, gave me gifts, and celebrated with me, I LOVE YOU all!
Best birthday ever! She looks adorable in all of her dresses and looks like she got perfect presents. She is definitely a special girl! I love her so much. Also proof that Audrey really does rub her belly button!