Kirsten has another cousin! William Banks Brinkerhoff was born on June 10. He is beautiful and looks so much like his brothers, congrats to Riley and Crystal on another cute boy.

Kirsten has been the baby of the family until now. And when she sat next to Will I was shocked to realize how big my baby has gotten. It's so fun that she's a person now and smiles and talks to us. She loves imitating the words (sounds) Kirk makes. She is really good at saying "ya". It's super cute. She's grown a ton and is 3 months old now. Sheesh the time is flying fast. She even rolled over a week before turning 3 months. We then spent two weeks in Vernal and she didn't get much time on the floor and is now having a hard time remembering how she solved the huge problem of mom

putting her on her belly all the time. The day we got home from Vernal we broke out all the 3-6 month clothes and are super excited about the new wardrobe. And with the new wardrobe comes shoes! Not just socks anymore. But it didn't take long for us to realize the drama that comes with shoes-if any of you see a size one black flip flop in the University Mall it's Kirsten's. She's been drooling alot so we have been wary of teething. I'm not sure that's a parenting skill we are quite ready for.
This week is finals. Kirk has really worked his tail off this semester. We are really proud of him. He took a law class this semester and is now thinking about law school...that's right law school, the nerve. But this is the last spring semester for us, yea! Life is crazy but we love it!